Over 10 years making science and innovation for the development and transfer of sustainable environmental technologies

The EARTH Team

The Environmental IntegrAted Recovery TecHnologies Lab (EARTH) is included in a wider research team of the University of Castilla-La Mancha named as Chemical and Environmental Technologies (TEQUIMA).

The members of this multidisciplinary group belong to different UCLM centers and have extensive experience in research and innovation in the field of environmental engineering, water, soil and waste treatment using chemical, biological and electrochemical technologies.

Research Lines


Bio-electrochemical technologies for resources recovery from metal mining waste


Characterization and environmental recovery of soils polluted by mining activities


Valorization of plant waste biomass for the synthesis of materials used in electrochemical applications

Assistance for companies

We make all our experience and means available to the industry and organizations to tackle their environmental projects.

Learn about our capabilities and the collaborations we have with companies.

The EARTH Team in figures


PhD trained


Scientific publications


Research Projects


Years of experience

Research Projects


Coupling of new biological and electrochemical technologies for the recovery of resources from metal mine wastes. Project PID2019-107282RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

Bio-electro MineR2

Rehabilitation of abandoned metal mining environments and resource recovery by bio-electrochemical technologies. Project SBPLY/180501/00254 granted by the Regional Goverment of Castilla-La Mancha


Revalorización de residuos Mineros para la producción electroquímica de especies de Alto valor añadido a partir de Materia vegetal contaminada


Economía circular aplicada a procesos de tratamiento naturales para la recuperación ambiental: Generación de recursos a partir de biomasa residual contaminada  (CENIT).

Recent Publications

HL Medina-Díaz, I Acosta, M Muñoz, FJ López-Bellido, J Villaseñor, J Llanos, Rodríguez L, FJ Fernández-Morales (2022). A classical modelling of abandoned mine tailings’ bioleaching by an autochtonous microbial culture. Journal of Environmental Management 323, 116251. doi:10.1016/j.envman.2022.116251

L Rodríguez L, B González-Corrochano, HL Medina-Díaz, FJ López-Bellido, FJ Fernández-Morales, J Alonso-Azcárate (2022). Does environmental risk really change in abandoned mining areas in the medium term when no control measures are taken?  Chemosphere 291, 133129. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133129

L Rodríguez, V Sánchez, FJ López-Bellido (2022) Electrokinetic-assisted Phytoremediation. In: V.C. Pandey (Ed.) Assisted Phytoremediation, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 371-398.

LF León-Fernandez, L Rodríguez, FJ Fernández-Morales and J Villaseñor (2021) Modelling of a bioelectrochemical system for metal-polluted wastewater treatment and sequential metal recovery. J Chem Technol Biotechnol 96: 2033–2041. DOI 10.1002/jctb.6733

Y Delgado, FJ Fernández-Morales and J Llanos (2021) An old technique with a promising future: Recent advances in the use of electrodeposition for metal recovery . Molecules 26, 5525. doi:10.3390/molecules26185525